
How to plan the down payment for the purchase of a home in 2023 |  housing |  my finances

How to plan the down payment for the purchase of a home in 2023 | housing | my finances

One of the most frequent resolutions among Colombians each beginning of the year has to do with the purchase of a home. (Alternatives to pay the down payment of a house). The first big step to achieving this goal is collecting the down payment, which can also become the first big hurdle if you don't have a plan that will allow you to carry out this plan.Usually, the only resources that people believe they have for a down payment on a home are their severance pay and, of course, their savings, which can be in CDT or in a 12-month…
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Soat: the most common accidents and what this insurance covers |  my finances

Soat: the most common accidents and what this insurance covers | my finances

In order to damage enough to the high evasion and fraud in the Compulsory Traffic Accident Insurance (Soat), the Government prepares a thorough surgery to attack this scourge, which guarantees the sustainability of this model. (The changes that the Soat will have in 2023 to correct its gaps). After the 50% discount of this policy for some vehicles came into force, the authorities will analyze how to make this model more viable and that they guaranteed coverage and also its financing. According to official calculations, insurers, of every 100 pesos they receive, extend 52% every two months to the Directorate…
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Pensions: Jaime Dussán, president of Colpensiones, talks about how pension savings will be used |  jubilation |  my finances

Pensions: Jaime Dussán, president of Colpensiones, talks about how pension savings will be used | jubilation | my finances

Jaime Dussán, current president of Colpensiones, explained, this Saturday, December 24, the objective that the National Government has with the pension system Colombia and what would be done with the resources they have from savings. (See: What Petro thinks about raising the pension age in Colombia).The first thing I make clear is that The pension reform will take place in 2023 and would be focused on consolidating a single system for the country.He also said that they will look for a transition regime so that more people are listed in Colpensiones.Faced with the latter, he commented that they are devising…
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Vacation days: how many can be accumulated and how are they paid |  my finances

Vacation days: how many can be accumulated and how are they paid | my finances

Labor vacations are a right guaranteed by the Colombian Constitution and the Substantive Labor Code. The regulations establish that employees must enjoy, annually, 15 days of paid vacation. (Read: These are some rates and values ​​that would no longer go up with the minimum). Likewise, the worker can accumulate a part of this rest period if he reaches a prior agreement with the worker. Now youKeep in mind that vacation accrual is only possible for two years. For workers who decide to accumulate three or more vacation periods, they run the risk of their prescription. In accordance with article 488…
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Pension savings: is it possible to use it in infrastructure works?  |  jubilation |  my finances

Pension savings: is it possible to use it in infrastructure works? | jubilation | my finances

The use on pension savings in the country it is once again the focus of debate after the statements by Jaime Dussán, president of Colpensiones. The official assured that these resources could be used to finance projects such as infrastructure "such as the train between Buenaventura and Barranquilla."(Read: Colpensiones: criticism for the use that would be given to pension savings). In addition, that in the future the entity could be a first or second tier bank: "first and second tier banking, in such a way that it gives us the possibility of making investments that will be much more profitable…
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Colpensiones: criticism for the use that would be given to pension savings, according to Jaime Dussán |  jubilation |  my finances

Colpensiones: criticism for the use that would be given to pension savings, according to Jaime Dussán | jubilation | my finances

In full December 24, Jaime Dussan, President of Colpensions, He spoke about the pension reform in the country and about the resources of the system. (See: Pension savings would be used to make the Buenaventura - Barranquilla train).He confirmed that the reform was carried out in 2023 and, among other things, gave a statement on the use of pension savings, which has generated much controversy.Specifically, he said, first, that the changes that are planned to be made would be focused on creating a single pension system for the country, looking for a transition regime so that more people contribute to…
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Housing subsidies in Bogotá: this is how you can register until December 30 |  housing |  my finances

Housing subsidies in Bogotá: this is how you can register until December 30 | housing | my finances

Next Friday, December 30, the deadline for registrations for housing subsidies of the Preferential Offer ProgramPromoted by the Bogota Habitat Secretariat. (Housing subsidies: what will happen to them in the Petro government?). Through this program, the entity separates the best priority social interest housing (VIP) and social interest housing (VIS) units in Bogotá and assigns a subsidy to vulnerable households with incomes of up to 4 current legal monthly minimum wages (SMMLV). ) to make it easier for them to purchase separate homes.In this call 1,334 subsidies will be offered with which people who meet the requirements to access them,…
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Scams for false rentals of farms or houses: this is how you can avoid them |  my finances

Scams for false rentals of farms or houses: this is how you can avoid them | my finances

In the December season increase scams. In this case, supposed travel agencies and people who offer, through social networks, farms, houses or apartments, are deceiving people. (Read: Clothes imported into Colombia will have a permanent tax of 40%). In the services they offer are swimming pool, jacuzzis, cleaning service, among others. They also ask for money in advance and they flee to show certificates or evidence that the paperwork is in order. One of the most common modalities in which these criminals take advantage of people is through internet advertisingt. Therefore, we bring you some recommendations if you are thinking…
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There’s a new obstacle to landing a job after college

There’s a new obstacle to landing a job after college

Here are lives at the intersection of fun and scary. One of my companions summed the whole experience up perfectly. He leaned back in his chair at dinner that night, shrimp taco in hand, “These are the kinds of experiences that give something back to you. They show you who you are in a whole new way.” These eight shots crystallize the hard work moms put into keeping their kids alive, happy, and healthy. They might give you the inspiration you need for filling out that card—or stand-alone for your mom’s interpretation.Bob Dyalon At the bottom of the mountain, my legs shaky,…
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